Thursday, September 6, 2007

Up at night

Last week both BB and I came down with the stomach bug that crested like an evil wave through the family.  I was already up for the night on Thursday with bad stomach pains, at about 2 a.m.  BB got up to pee marveling that he was the only who hadn't gotten sick.  And then it happened, all over the bathroom floor, in the sink, on me.  Everywhere but the toilet.  Of course, sick as I was, I then responded in kind.  Ugh!  We spent the rest of the night watching recorded episodes of Sesame Street and Barney, while he occasionally bent over a big bowl.  I don't know that I'll ever have the opportunity to watch all-night TV with a five year old again.  Eventually, I got both of us to bed just before sunrise.  

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