Monday, February 25, 2008

Wheezing diaphragms

Turns out my roommate not only snored, but had some sort of obesity-induced sleep apnea. He snorted, wheezed, whined, and whistled past a stretched diaphragm all night, then had moments of silence with himself followed by crying out and talking, and then he'd settle back into trying to pull air around his large organs. He's a very big man. A rough sleeper.

But a really nice guy and patient with my late night, lights-out chit chat. Over all, I had some incredibly intimidating moments of clarity, some long stretches of impatience, and I spoke with a few of the other presenters, but I didn't feel completely in sympathy with the major analytical trends taking place in many of the papers. I'm out of sync with much of it. I'm ready to be back home.

Who can guess this local landmark, located in a wilderness area about 10 miles east from where my family sleeps at this very moment? I join them tomorrow.

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