Sunday, September 2, 2007

Yard pool

Sunday, Labor Day weekend.  We could have gone to an art fair, to another soccer tournament, to the University's pool, which closes for the season after Labor Day. Even a hike, which we've missed since returning from vacation on the West Coast.  But it was mid morning today, beautiful, sunny, and we couldn't decide on the direction of the day. Why get into the car, we suddenly thought?  It turned into a yard pool day.  BB knows how to (barely) jump safely into a yard pool from a lawn chair; LB can still use his floaty thing in the yard pool.  To our benefit, BB got into it and set out to create a "day at the beach." He brought out a blanket and beach towels, hung his play parrot where the bird feeder lives, and supplied us with drinks and snacks.  And AO and I read while the kids played in the pool. Truly a day at the beach.  

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