Monday, September 10, 2007

The Goats

BB starts a community soccer program this evening. For a five year old he is sure smitten with the idea of being an athlete - being the best. I was never much of a jock, so I'm not sure how to deal with it. No, I say, you're playing for the team, your skills should be in the service of your team winning. I can still be the best, he responds. Sigh. This the attitude that makes reading so treacherous. He isn't the best right out of the gate. Let's hope it doesn't make soccer equally treacherous once he's on the field with others trying their best.

His local team is named after a professional team in southern California that translates as "the goats." A great name, in my opinion. He drew the team uniform with appropriate colors this morning and carefully folded it into his school back pack. I think, who spawned this child?

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