Thursday, August 30, 2007


After just two days of new day care, LB spent 18 hours or so vomiting and crying. AO and I split the next day. She took the morning and I the afternoon. Her work schedule is even more brutal than mine, so I appreciate it. The thing about one-year-old sickness reality is at the time it seems like it will never end. I don't do well with this sort of eternal suffering. It's the most I can do to simply keep the kids warm and dry under such circumstances. These things usually (always, really) come to an end, but it's hard not to see the episode as somehow symbolic for having kids. It reminds of the obsessive blog by a stay-at-home dad that documented each diaper change and its volume. Jeez, my mode is to try to forget each diaper change until I'm forced to deal with the next one.

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