If all goes well, we should be even further north today, with part of AO's family. It's a long drive, but worth it.
BB has had a hard time in the last few days of school. Last week he had a bad run in with a student teacher, who feels he's just too much of a boy. The day before he'd come home with a plan to strike back at the bullies, so I don't know what to think. More recently, he had it out with two older boys on the bus who wanted his Pokemon card. They said, we're going to kill you with a bow and arrow (their parents, by the way, are bow hunters - way to socialize your kids people!). BB said, I can run faster than an arrow. They said, no you can't. He said, I can fly. So the kids rush off the bus to tell me that BB "lied" about being able to fly. BB's answer to me, I was only joking, dad. It seems like as good a response as any to a six year old telling him to die. I should have said to those other kids, telling someone that they will die is just as dishonest. No wonder BB is into magic and special powers right now. We send him off into an amoral world of petty thieves and thugs whose only redeeming feature is that they are too small to do any real damage.
BB tends to be stubborn and easily provoked, so I see a long road ahead. But he's actually been pretty calm and engaged at home lately. He loves drawing and carefully copied the details of a dollar bill the other night. He has become such good company I always try to talk him into going with me on errands.
We have a lot to be thankful for.
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